
ATA for Enterprises

The greatest threat to enterprise security today is the “signal-to-noise ratio” – the deafening onslaught of false-positive alerts generated by security infrastructure. In fact, with many of today’s high-profile security breaches, security infrastructure did its job and alerted on the threat, but the alert was buried under a mountain of false-positives. In other cases, alarm thresholds were relaxed to reduce the number of alerts, which created vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.

Enterprises have no choice but to hire more personnel to investigate and process alerts, or to outsource the job to service providers. This has created an “Alert Tyranny” operating model where staffing levels and processes are dictated by false-positive alerts.

Ending Alert Tyranny

The ATA Platform ends Alert Tyranny by attacking its root cause – the massive volume of false positives. By reducing alerts only to those that merit investigation, without narrowing alerting parameters in existing infrastructure, ATA frees enterprise security operations personnel to slash the amount of time wasted on investigating false-positives, so they can spend more time investigating and remediating actual threats. Eliminating this alert-overload problem has additional benefits, such as reducing the number of help-desk tickets, eliminating machine re-imaging, etc.

Customer deployments of the ATA Platform have shown a 99.9% reduction in false-positive alerts. This has allowed these organizations to end Alert Tyranny and enable a new model of operational flexibility and effectiveness.